How do I configure my password/username recovery settings in MyCTS?




You can recover your username and password once you have configured one or all three of the following recovery options in your MyCTS account:

1. Set your security questions 2. Set your recovery email 3. Set your mobile number


To configure your password and username recovery options, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log into your MyCTS account

Your login credentials are your CTS email username and password. When you enter your login credentials do not use the cts\ prefix and do not use the extension. If you do not know your CTS email username and password, please email Alex Jean-Charles, Director of Online Learning.


2. Access the "Account Recovery" page

In the upper-right hand corner, click on the drop-down menu by your name and select "My Account"


3. Re-enter your CTS email password again


4. Set your Account Recovery Settings

You will find multiple options to recover your username and password. You can set one or all three options as follows:

Option 1: Set four security questions

  1. Click the Security Questions tab
  2. Provide answers to four different security questions
  3. Click Submit


Option 2: Set a recovery email

  1. Select the Email Recovery Tab
  2. Enter the email address you wish to have verification codes sent. This does not have to be your CTS email address.
  3. Check this recovery email for a 7-digit verification code
  4. Enter the verification code in your MyCTS account
  5. You will see a message confirming your email.


Option 3: Set a recovery phone number

  1. Select the Recovery Phone Number tab
  2. Enter the mobile phone you wish to have verification codes sent.
  3. Check your mobile phone for text of the 7-digit verification code 
  4. Enter the verification code in your MyCTS account
  5. You will see a message confirming your phone number.

5. Return to the MyCTS Portal

Click the Go To My Apps button on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to exit your account set-up screen, and return to the MyCTS portal.

  • Last Updated Aug 04, 2020
  • Views 198
  • Answered By Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir

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