Can I request an ILL book if I'm an online student?


The Learning Commons does not do interlibrary loans (ILL) of books for online students. Lending periods vary between libraries and it becomes difficult to factor shipping time when sending/receiving books. Borrowed books are shipped to the home library, where it then shipped to the student, and vice-versa when the books are returned. Unfortunately, students cannot receive/return ILL books directly. However, we can request scans of articles or book chapters from other libraries as these are emailed directly to the student.

Our recommendation is for students to check their public library and see if they can request an ILL book through them (if the title is not already available in the local collection). Most public libraries do participate in ILL programs.

We also recommend that students check to see if they live close to a seminary library that participates in the Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program. North American seminaries who participate in this program grant check-out privileges to each other’s patrons/students. A patron/student walks into a participating seminary library, shows proof of current enrollment at another participating seminary, and checks out materials based on the library’s local lending policies.

Here’s the list of participating seminaries in the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program.



  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2020
  • Views 59
  • Answered By Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir

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