How do ACTS students access the Learning Commons?


As a cross-registered student at CTS you have access to the resources in the Lapp Learning Commons for the duration of the course. When you need to access one of the library’s ebooks, databases, or online video collections, you’ll be prompted with a login page. Your login credentials will be sent in a separate email from OpenAthens. This email will provide you with your username and password to access materials in the Learning Commons.


If you do not receive your login credentials by the start of the semester, please email the librarian at: 


To access materials in the Learning Commons, please follow these directions:


  1. Start your search directly from the search box on the Learning Commons homepage.


 2. Click on the Hello Guest link in order to login for full access.


3. To access any of our electronic resources, you will be prompted with this OpenAthens screen. 

If you are a cross-registered ACTS student, a Bayan student at CTS, or a student-at-large then select the second option.

4. Use your credentials on the authentication screen you are directed to.

Enter the login credentials that were emailed to you from OpenAthens. 

If you no longer have your login credentials, please email


Please DO NOT use the My Account button on the Learning Commons homepage in order to access ebooks and ejournals. That feature is for CTS students to check on the status of books they've checked out. Your login credentials will not work there.

You can also use the same credentials if you're trying to search within any of the databases in our Databases A-Z list, or if you're using our Find a Journal link.

For further assistance, please consult the Getting Started guide for information on all the various research materials available to you.



  • Last Updated Oct 20, 2020
  • Views 53
  • Answered By Yasmine Abou-El-Kheir

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